Are you a real estate agent?
Partner with us to help your clients move
Partner with a team that knows move management
We support your clients by helping them:
Sort and Declutter Their Things
Haul Away or Donate Unwanted Items
Pack Their Boxes
Deep Clean Their Home
Tackle the Stager’s To-do List
Prep Your Home for the Market
Oversee the Movers
Eliminate the Burden of Moving
Many homeowners are buried under a lifetime of things or physically unable to organize and pack. We help get your clients prepped and packed so their home is ready for the market.
Our Method Makes Everything Easier
Our BE FREE METHOD helps homeowners prepare for a move. It’s a proven system that allows homeowners to decide what to keep, store, donate, and sell. The best part is – it’s a streamlined process that helps your clients experience the relief of having all their things organized, packed, and ready to move.
We Do It All For You
Real estate agents love partnering with us because we’re a “one stop shop” for the entire move. We prep by hauling trash, deep cleaning, managing estate sales, scheduling the repairs, and overseeing the movers. This saves real estate agents the time and headache of hiring contractors.
Helping Coloradans Move Since 2008
For over a decade, we’ve been helping homeowners sort, pack, and clean out their homes. Our BE FREE organizing method gently guides them through the moving process while our team does all of the hard work. Imagine being able to...
Offer a new, valuable service to your clients
Help your clients get their home to market faster
Feel confident your clients are in good hands